Wednesday 28 January 2015

Over Half a Year Old Already!

Wow! Arjun is officially over half a year old! I cannot believe it. I don't remember my life without him but I can't believe it's gone so fast. It's crazy! 

We celebrated with a fruit cocktail "cake". 


He's becoming a proper little man now. I can already see signs of upcoming independence. You can see how frustrated he is about not being able to move :( He's started rolling from front to back but more by accident. He ends up in a fit of tears when that happens as he doesn't know how to get back! Lol. He's closer to mastering a push up than his crawl! Lol. We're encouraging plenty of tummy time, not necessarily because I'm in a rush for him to crawl (I'm actually really really nervous about what life will be when he's running riot in the house!), but more because I can see he really wants to. I feel for the little guy. 


Arjun sits up comfortably unaided and although he hasn't quite mastered it yet, he tries very hard to pull himself up when lying down. 

Arjun is at stage two of weaning now and is having breakfast, lunch, a snack and dinner. He's now on three bottles a day (about 500ml). He really enjoys his food (touch wood).  This month we tried rice crispies which he hated at first but now loves! His favourite food is probably pizza bread at the moment. I made this by spreading a thin layer of tomato puree on wholemeal bread, sprinkling some cheddar cheese and seasoning with basil and oregano. Other new foods he tried included bean salad mixed with sweet potato and lentils. He didn't love the latter - defo mummy's boy! 


He's started holding his own sippy cup - it took us a while but he's starting to let us know more when he wants water too which is great. 


The last time we had him weighed a few weeks ago, he was a hefty 18lbs! 

He's more or less been sleeping through the night since New Year's Day with a few difficult nights (one night where he woke about four times and a few nights where he's woken twice) but on the whole we are in a better place. 

We are getting ready for our second holiday in a few weeks - again to Dubai but this time with Preetam's parents. I'm super excited to go but nervous about how it'll disrupt his sleep pattern. I'm guessing this "routine" will be short lived anyway when another bout of unbearable teething kicks in! 

You can tell Arjun's first tooth will be making an appearance soon as his gums are quite white and raised. But still no tooth as of yet! We're brushing his gums with a finger tooth brush which we purchased from Amazon (Finger brush) just to get him used to the sensation. He loves it! 

Arj has almost completely term two with Water Babies. He's a little more confident under water - we've seen less tears but they haven't completely disappeared! He seems to enjoy the water more. We'll soon see when we go to Dubai again! It'll be great comparing how he was at five months there versus how he is now. 

We've decided to forego term three with Water Babies purely because of their policy which is a little inflexible. The previous two terms we've known that we weren't going to be able to make a few dates in advance but we still had to pay in full with no flexibility in terms of attending another session. We've wasted a good £50 already and we definitely don't want to do the same next term when we know we'll be missing two of the dates so we've decided to look at other options as we know other private swimming schools do offer flexibility - usually in terms of attending an alternative session which would be great for us. 

Arjun hosted his first party this month - Lohri (Lohri). A little social butterfly already! He also attended his first birthday party at Snakes and Ladders for his buddy Taran's 3rd birthday.  He enjoyed it for the most part but got tired and quite hot towards the end - cranky! 


Arjun seems to be going through separation anxiety surprisingly (only because it's normally with the mummy!) with his daddy. He's extremely attached to his dad and is so excited and happy when he's with him - like a proud little son. When Preetam leaves for work in the morning or even leaves the room to have a shower, if Arjun is awake there are lots of tears. I know Preetam also finds this really difficult especially as he feels like he's missing out on Arjun's life as most of his waking day is spent at work :( I'm hoping it's just a phase and he'll become comfortable in knowing that daddy will be back soon. It's quite heartbreaking to watch :( How have you managed separation anxiety?

Bestest buds x

What milestones have your babies reached at seven months?
P.s. don't forget to check out our free hamper giveaway filled with lots of our favourite goodies ending on Sunday 1st February!: Giveaway!

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